Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cold Drink Abdominal Pain Abdominal Pain Below The Belly Button?

Abdominal pain below the belly button? - cold drink abdominal pain

Has anyone else suffered from terrible pain just below the belly button? I've had for a week and the pain is even worse!

Occurs about half an hour after eating and drinking. Even injured after drinking plain old water! If it happens twice in a couch or floor, which is nearby.

The pain is very intense for a split second, followed by a few seconds an unbearable burning pain. The reason for the pain and burining then repeated continuously for 10 minutes. The pain is centered on the navel, although I felt a slight pain on my rightside. However, I have pain that does not bother me in general, and pain in my heart, the heart (this issue, let's please) my system.

Oh, and besides, I'm feeling good. No nausea or vomiting or diarrhea, constipation, no, no fever, (no loss of appetite, only pain that follows). Although my hands sometimes freeze () is usually not.

The exams are approaching, but I'm not so stressed.

Whatis ... Oh yes, I am a man, 19, no sickness, I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ask your health care provider as soon as possible. Abdominal pain may be signs of serious illness. Fortunately, minor causes are much more common. Location of pain may suggest the cause.
The gallbladder
Appendix Pain
A rupture of the spleen or other big problem is possible and also check for stomach ulcers (Helicobacter pylori). And good luck.

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